picture of Casto crest
October 15, 2006

picture of the letter A bout this site. This site came about because I was trying to find out more about the family history. Then, a Christmas or two ago, Greg Harshman suggested we put a newsletter together or find some more frequent way to pass around family news.

I want this site to be a place where family members can share stories, post recipes or poetry and have fun. There is lots of Casto information on the web and no reason exists to repeat it again here but anyone who wants to can post some family history for the rest of us. It is easy enough.

If you want to be a regular contributor or have your own section on castofamily.com, just let me know and I can set you up. The webmistress, my sweetie, made it so information can be easily posted by any of us Castos without special technical skill.

Bob Casto
